A medical emergency shakes you, and you can’t think properly. Some people freeze when they see their loved ones suffer. Such situations can arise at any time in your life, and therefore it makes sense to be prepared with knowledge. All you have to do is know and remember the ambulance and emergency numbers and remember to rush to the nearest hospital. It is not recommended relying on Google in situations like you might get stuck due to poor network coverage or similar issues.
Terms such as “golden hour” and “ten-minute platinum” denote the importance of EMS worldwide. Patients who receive primary care from trained professionals and taken to the nearest health care facility within 15 to 20 minutes in an emergency have the best chance of survival. EMS is an integral part of the entire health system because it saves lives by receiving immediate care.Â
ICATT Air Ambulances have proven to be coast guards in many such situations, and this can save lives. Therefore, it is vital to know emergency medical numbers like ICATT Air ambulance to get help on time. This article provided by the ICATT Air ambulance gives information about the contact list of medical emergencies in India. Before that, let us see!
What is EMS?
The emergency Medical Service (EMS) is a branch of emergency medical services dedicated to providing outpatient emergency medical care and transportation for patients with illnesses and injuries.
Air ambulance services were developed to reflect a change from a regular ground ambulance transportation system to another type where actual medical care takes place.Â
ICATT – What are the Medical Emergencies?
Here we provide you with some of the most common medical emergencies that people experience and need to call EMS:
Bleeding: Wounds and cuts cause bleeding, but serious injuries can cause internal bleeding that you can’t see. Not all cases of bleeding require immediate medical attention. Often they can be treated with first aid at home, following the advice of a family doctor.
However, you should seek emergency medical ICATT air ambulance if:
- You can’t control the bleeding even after first aid
- There is an object in the wound that looks very deep
- You can see tissue or bone
If there is a lot of blood coming out, the victim may feel uncomfortable, look pale, look dizzy, and in some cases, faint. In this case, urgent medical attention is required. Call immediately to ICATT air ambulance at 9701111156.
Breathing Difficulty: There may be several reasons why a person has difficulty breathing. For example, asthma attacks, allergic reactions (anaphylaxis), and coughs or colds. Shortness of breath can occur during exercise or physical activity. However, if you feel suddenly or unexpectedly short of breath, this can be a warning sign. When a person has difficulty breathing, they may experience some or all of the following symptoms:
- Pain when you take a deep breath or feel tightness in your chest
- You feel short of breath or can’t breathe
- Breathing shallower or faster than usual
- Violent breathing, including wheezing or wheezing
- If a person has difficulty breathing, they can panic, which in turn can affect their breathing.
It is essential to try to keep the situation as calm as possible. If you are concerned about someone’s breathing problem, get medical help at 9701111156 ICATT Air ambulance who can provide immediate care and take them to the hospital within the golden hour.Â
Person collapsed: If someone collapsed, they most likely need medical attention. This is because their consciousness or breathing can be affected. Various medical reasons could have caused the damage, and these need to be checked by a doctor. If someone is unconscious and isn’t breathing, call 9701111156 for emergency medical help.
If someone is unconscious but doesn’t seem to be having trouble breathing, you can put them in a recovery position until ICATT arrives.Â
Fits and seizure: Fits and seizures can occur in people diagnosed with epilepsy, but they can also occur in people who have not been diagnosed. Fits and seizures may include involuntary, uncontrollable twitching or shaking of part or all of the body.
Other forms of fits may not involve minimal body movement, and the person appears to be looking into space. In this situation, you don’t react when you talk to him. It’s important to remember not to move anyone or try to keep them from shaking when they have a seizure or convulsion unless they are at risk.
After someone has had a seizure, it is essential to see a doctor. If a person is known to have had a fit or seizure, they may have a medical plan for what actions to take after the seizure.
However, it is advisable to call ICATT air ambulance at 9701111156 if someone has lost consciousness, has had a seizure for more than five minutes, has never had a seizure, has had a seizure injury, or if you are unsure or worried.
Severe Pain: We all feel pain from time to time, but everyone has a different cause, but treatment depends on the pain threshold. Pain can come on suddenly or increase over time. Pain can be caused by illness or injury. Severe pain tends to be more severe and, in some cases, prevents people from carrying out normal daily activities. Pain relievers can help with the problem that a person is experiencing but must be taken according to medical advice. If someone is injured and in great pain, it is essential to evaluate them. Depending on the injury, this can be managed. But, If the injury is severe, it may be best to call ICATT Air ambulance.
Heart attack: A heart attack is a serious, life-threatening emergency in which the blood supply to the heart suddenly becomes blocked. Heart attacks are more common in adults but can occur in children and adolescents. If you think someone has a heart attack, call ICATT air ambulance at +91-9701111156 immediately and tell them someone has a heart attack.
When someone has a heart attack, they may experience the following symptoms:
- Chest pain, including a feeling of pressure, tightness, or pressure in the centre of the chest
- This refers to pain in the left arm radiating from the chest to the arm. In some cases, both hands and neck, jaw, back, and stomach can be affected
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Coughing or wheezing
- Feelings or pain
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
- Sweat
- Overwhelming feelings of doom or fear
Although severe chest pain is one of the most common signs that a person has a heart attack, in some cases, people do not experience severe pain and instead experience symptoms similar to indigestion. It is more common in people with diabetes, the elderly, and women.
Stroke is a severe and life-threatening condition when the blood supply to a part of the brain is impaired. This could be due to a blood clot or bleeding from the brain. The most important thing for someone who has had or suffered a stroke is time. The sooner a person receives emergency medical care, the less likely they are to have a permanent injury.
If you suspect someone has or has had a stroke, it is essential to call 9701111156 immediately and let them know that someone has had a stroke. Since timing is so important in this situation, the key characters to watch out for can be stored with the acronym FAST:
- F-face:Â Has his face changed? Can you smile? Is his face hanging to one side? This is especially noticeable in the eyes and mouth.
- A-arms: Can someone raise both hands and raise them? If you suspect someone has had a stroke, it may be that one of their arms is weak or numb.
- S-Speech: Has your language changed? Isn’t it clear? Does your speech make sense? Can they understand what you are saying to them, and are they responding appropriately?
- T-Time: If you notice any of these symptoms or think someone has had a stroke, it’s essential to call 9701111156 immediately.
Choose the Best – ICATT Air ambulance:
The list above can cover various emergencies, depending on the severity of the situation, the causes, and factors responsible for it. Besides keeping a hospital number, it is also essential to choose the right air ambulance for the patient or victim.Â
There are two types of the ambulance: Advanced Life Support Ambulance and Basic Life Support Ambulance to provide medical care during the Golden Hour outside the hospital. The life support ambulance is a large, fully equipped ambulance that is ideal for seriously ill patients on the way to the hospital. It is suitable for the heart, pregnant women, trauma patients, and patients who need continuous monitoring. The Basic Life Support Ambulance is used for emergency medical transportation and transfers between locations.
ICATT air ambulance is one of the emergency healthcare providers providing air ambulance services in Mumbai, Pune, Surat, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, New Delhi, Chandigarh, Allahabad, Lucknow, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar, Patna, Guwahati, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Chennai, and various other metro and tier I cities for the needy as well as various types of organizations. So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with the ICATT Air ambulance team now!
ICATT Emergency services are also bringing patients back to India from around the world. This service has a team of doctors and paramedics who can prepare patients for transfer to the hospital at their destination, either by helicopter or by fixed air wing. A trained anaesthetist and nurse in the intensive care unit accompany the patient during the trip. In an emergency, call at +91-9701111156 and give the patient a brief medical history.