Hyderabad Air Ambulance: A Flying Guide To Medical Transport

Hyderabad is on the major medical centres for treatment in India. People from across the globe come to Hyderabad for treatment as the medical centres here can boast of highly specialised, experienced and renowned doctors that are supported with the right teams and medical technology to help them save extremely critical lives. The city has multiple such hospitals that caters to all types of illnesses and criticalities.

On the one hand there is the treatment of the patient which is extremely important many of these patients need to be transferred to Hyderabad from far off locations for further treatment. It is during this tranfer that many critically patient pass away or their condition further detoriates and this way the importance of air ambulances come into the picture.

The purpose of this article is to provide you with useful information about air ambulance flight with ICATT so that you can take into consideration the various aspects before choosing the right service for your loved one.
24/7 Service Available in Hyderabad

If you need an air ambulance service in Hyderabad or other cities, please note that some of the points below will help:

  • For medical evacuation, contact 24X7 ICATT number on +91 9701111156
  • Your request or call will be sent immediately to our medical specialist
  • Patients are now instructed with the details of the simplest transportation options and procedures
  • Complete medical condition and history of the patient is studied to figure our the right steps for transportation and further treatment.

A Flying Guide To Medical Air Transport:

Did you know that Indians are now more likely to get on an air ambulance for serious medical reasons? According to the ICATT Air Medical Services, around 550,000 patients fly on air ambulance for emergency care. But, still many people do not know how the medical transportation process works from start to finish. Below is our guide to medical aviation services.

Ground Logistics And Pre-Planning:
ICATT Air Ambulance High risk medical transportation team in India, Neonatal and Paediatric Transportation Services near me

The whole process begins with a telephone call to the ICATT requesting air ambulance services. Taking patients to hospitals where patients need to move to the next higher level of care. Hospitals are usually more significant and more specialized hospitals in Hyderabad’s big cities.

The first step in this process requires gathering important information such as who, what, when, and where patients need to be transported. After gathering preliminary data, the next step is to identify the aircraft and flight crew immediately. ICATT also coordinate with hospital staff, make flight logistics, and identify ambulances that are suitable to support the treatment. We understand that deadlines are critical, and an aircraft can take off and get out of the itinerary within 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the distance to your final destination and meteorological conditions.

Preparing For Patient Medical Flight:
ICATT Air Ambulance Paediatric and Neonatal transfer team in Hyderabad, Emergency Air Transport For Critical Infants And Newborns
A medical flight probably isn’t anywhere close to what the normal air flight is. However, in the end, this is a medically configured flight. So, even though the dream might not fully realize, let’s make use of it all and get prepared for what is to come!

Equipment And Crew:
ICATT Air ambulance consists of Medical Crew, critical care and ECMO specialist team in Inida, Flying Medical Emergency services near me

We treat you well during the journey to the hospital and offer maximum medical care and comfort. Each aircraft is configured as a “flight ICU” with various sophisticated medical devices.

Each aircraft is equipped with a stretcher that contains everything needed to support intensive care patients on short or long flights. The medical equipment onboard has a high flow oxygen system, a fan and suction system, a multichannel IV pump and a heart monitor with defibrillator and ECG.

Each aircraft is equipped with fans, heart monitors, pumps, oxygen, and suction devices as well as complete drug supplies – similar to intensive care units in hospitals. Certified paramedics and nurses operate this device with at least three years of experience in intensive care.

Detailed Coordination For Each Medical Flight:
As you can imagine, moving a patient on a medical flight from transporting to a receiving facility brings many details related to coordination and logistics. Securing the bed, handling the ground ambulance and crew, and positioning the air ambulance at a specific location and time requires a lot of attention to detail to ensure that everyone works together to ensure a smooth, safe, and hassle-free transfer guarantee.

Behind the scenes, our flight coordinator and transporting team takes care of all the details so you can focus on yourself and your case and the nurse stays focused on giving you the best care.

We take care of every detail from working with your family. We do our best to make your medical flight smooth, comfortable and as easy as possible.

A Complete Bedside-to-Bedside Service:
ICATT Air Ambulance Medical Emergency Services in Hyderabad, Helicopter Medical Emergency services in India

ICATT Air ambulance service In Hyderabad is more than just an ambulance. We take care of everything from the bed to bed care with a ground ambulance on both sides of your trip.

As soon as we reach your point, our crew will take you to the hospital, and you will be in a safe position for your flight to the next level of maintenance.

When you arrive at your destination hospital, the second ambulance is waiting to take you to your caregiver quickly, while our medical team will accompany you throughout your transportation.

During Transportation:
ICATT ICU Equipment Air Ambulance services in India, Critical ill patients transportation near me

Our job in the air is to transport patients safely to where they need to go without incident. It often requires rapid assessment and intervention to improve patient outcomes, which can ideally shorten overall hospital care. It is also essential to maintain communication with the sending and receiving hospitals and with the patient’s family.

After The Flight Reaches:
As soon as the flight reaches, we immediately notify the hospital and family of the arrival of the patient. Upon arrival at the admissions centre, the flight nurse will provide the nurse-patient with a detailed report on admission and the patient will be referred for support.

Additional Passengers On Medical Flights:
We understand that our patients appreciate the love and support of friends and family every time they travel. While each air ambulance is configured and prioritized for the latest treatment, we have additional space for two passengers who can accompany patients on their journey. The details depend on conditions that may require other equipment. Therefore, contact the ICATT flight coordinator for more information.

Safety Is First:
ICATT Patient Care During Transportation for critically ill patients in India, Disaster Patient Transportation center near me

Our advanced patient care with a complete safety record covers your entire trip. Our high standard of care is unmatched in this industry, and we offer a simple cultural concept that always promotes security and open communication throughout our organization. Two highly respected pilots operate each medical flight with years of experience, and this aircraft must undergo continuous, thorough and rigorous inspections. Our medical team onboard has the highest certification in the industry to ensure safe and regular care during transfers.

How Fast Can We Fly:
Because we did not work with the hub-and-spoke model, the positioning time of the aircraft was significantly reduced because of medically configured air ambulance always moved when moving patients from city to city. Depending on the urgency, our medical team can be available in 24 hours. Most of our medical flights are non-urgent and usually arrive on time after the first call.

Medical Air Ambulance Cost:
ICATT Air ambulance consists of Medical Crew, critical care and ECMO specialists team in India, Emergency Medical Flying doctors near me

When you request a medical flight, a medically configured air ambulance is sent with highly qualified nursing staff and paramedics for emergency care. All these services get provided within the affordable cost. Cost depends upon the:

  • Health conditions and patient care needed
  • Type of airplane
  • Distance travelled by the flight

Contact us at +91-9701111156 to get competitive offers.

We hope we have answered many of the questions you have about booking medical flights with ICATT. We realize that information is often better communicated verbally. If you have further questions, please contact us.

ICATT has staffed around the clock 24/7, and we’re open every day of the year to serve you. Give us a call at +91-+91-9701111156 for general questions or a quote.

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