Do Air Ambulance Services Offer Support For Critical Care?

The short answer is Yes. If the patient is in critical condition or needs oxygen, IV fluids, respirators, or medical supervision and cannot travel in the normal way, they must rely on an air ambulance with critical support. In the event of an injury, illness, therapeutic crisis or other medical emergencies, a patient or family may need to contact emergency air medical services. Therefore, it is recommended to understand the critical air ambulance service.

When patients are in critical condition, we know how important time management is. Saving lives is the main goal, which is why ICATT Air ambulances are very serious about air medical services as it understands the criticality of this service in India. The most important aspect about an air ambulance is that patients are shifted to to higher centres of medical care in the fastest possible manner

This article provided by ICATT air ambulance provides brief instructions on how critical air ambulance services offer support for critical care.

How air ambulance services offer support for critical care?

ICATT Air Ambulance consisting of aerospace and medical experts for critical ill patients during tansportation in India, disaster patients transfer near me

ICATT Air Ambulance offers high-quality rescue services for patients that need intensive care. The commitment of our expert group of medical professionals enables us to maintain the quality medical services. ICATT follows international levels of protocols for aero medical transfers, along with the best in call medical equipment. Read on to find out how air ambulance services offer support for critical care, ICATT provides:

Qualified, experienced and motivated medical staff for critical care:

ICATT Air Ambulance Offers Support For Critical Care in India, 24/7 Air Ambulance services near me

ICATT offers critical care air ambulance locally and globally. Patients are transported on

medical aircrafts with an intensive care team consisting of certified nurses/ paramedics and a doctor who specialize in intensive care medicine. Our ambulance crews consists of highly trained and experienced doctors that are competent in handling extremely critical patients.

ICATT has also developed a special patient care team. Specific teams include Burn Care Team, Neurological Care Team and pediatric Care Team. Each unit consists of nurses, respiratory therapists, or paramedics with additional training and experience.

Our doctors not only specialized in their treatment areas but also know how important is to treat patients both physically and emotionally. Our 24/7 support team works round the clock and always assists patients or their relatives who call us at any time of the day. Also, the intensive care ambulance team can gather doctors, surgeons and patient advisors if necessary.

Our ICU / CCU specialist team is also trained to use the latest in-flight medical equipment, including cardiovascular monitors, IV pumps, transport fans, defibrillators, intra-aortic inflatable pumps (IABP), oxygen and immersion monitors, and full-size stretchers, baby carriers, new incubators for newborn and more.

At ICATT, we have a group of translators who speak various languages ​​who can

coordinate with doctors and hospitals to get patient health information and take medical precautions.

The latest high and unique technology:

ICATT Advanced medical equipped Air ambulance facilities for critical ill patients during transport in Hyderabad, High risk medical transportation services near me

Patients who have had a stroke or trauma must provide comprehensive care immediately. In such situations, air ambulances are the need of the hour to transfer these critically ill patients to higher centres of care.

Bedside-to-bedside service:

ICATT offers highty professional medical transportation services for critically ill patients. ICATT staff  consults the treating doctor and arranges everything that’s needed for the travel. Our on-site team keeps in touch with the ambulance team to receive updates and make sure everything runs smoothly. They ensure that their relatives and doctors/hospitals are informed quickly. Patients can benefit from this service even when they are not in critical condition.

If you want to know more or are not sure about ICATT critical care services, please contact us at +91-9701111156.


The critical care unit in ICATT air ambulance is well equipped with an experienced medical team and provides the care needed for all types of emergencies. Looking at its severity, our intensive care unit takes a fast and multidisciplinary approach to handle all types of medical emergencies. ICATT offers 24/7 care for critically ill patients who need life support systems and other intensive medical interventions.

ICATT team of critical care experts are trained as per emergency standards care, and have extensive experience in evaluating and treating these critically ill patients, and can ensure that the best possible treatment is given to patients. Our specially developed intensive care unit (ICU) represents the pinnacle of our air ambulance approach to evidence-based high-technology patient care.

As mentioned above, our ambulance, intensive care units are equipped with sophisticated invasive ventilators and advanced multi-channel physiological monitoring systems. ICATT also has access in central and remote locations to ensure all critical patients can be transferred.

To learn more, visit our website or contact us today. If you want more information about our critical care services, please contact at +91-9701111156. Your call will be answered 24/7.

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