Trauma Emergency Response

Swift and secured cross-border medical transfer! 

Trauma Emergency Response

The transport of the severely injured patients will require immediate medical transportation services provided by the best air ambulance services in India. A quick and effective team response helps to save the lives of the trauma patients who got affected by natural or human-made disasters.

Any phase of transportation either from the scene of an accident to hospital or from hospital to specialized medical care is possible with trauma emergency transportation. The emergency medical care provided by an emergency medical team plays a crucial role in the transportation of trauma patients.

ICATT is the best emergency medical service provider in India, which has immense expertise in providing the best trauma in emergency transportation. ICATT has a trained emergency medical team, also known as RAID ( Rapid Assessment Interventional and Dispatch) team. This trained emergency medical team will help in the evacuation of trauma patients with minimal discomfort and utmost care.

What is a trauma emergency transportation?

Prehospital trauma care consists of primary treatment care (first aid) and immediate medical transfer. With the help of a trauma emergency transportation, the emergency medical can transfer patients from the incident location to the nearest health centre along with primary medical care.

Most trauma injuries cause prolonged disability or death. There are many reasons for this traumatic care, which include vehicle accidents, natural disasters management, human-made disasters, etc. In those life-threatening situations, the patients need emergency medical care and transfer. To stabilize the patient’s health condition, the trauma emergency team consists of physicians, medical assistants, and paramedical staff and flying medics, etc.

How do ICATT’s Emergency air ambulances help in transferring the trauma patients?

  • Eliminates the risks of complicated health care situations
  • Transfer the patients within short durations
  • Provides the first aid medical services
  • Stabilizes the patient’s traumatic health condition before reaching the destination
  • Under the supervision of the trained emergency medical team

Advantages of trauma response service

  • Immediate medical care for trauma patients
  • Availability of bed to bed transfers
  • Provides all NICU services during evacuations
  • Well trained paramedic staff
  • Address the potential re-traumatizing procedures
  • Peer support
  • Instant transfer to the nearest health care centre
  • Rapid mobilization
  • Incorporate with super speciality hospital for urgent medical care after evacuation
  • Available with all updated emergency medical services
  • Provide better solutions for life-threatening health conditions

Looking for the best transportation for trauma patients from the best air ambulance service provider in India. Contact ICATT now!!

How does ICATT provide trauma emergency transportation?

  • If anyone calls our emergency number about traumatic conditions, the emergency online team will provide the information about the critical care experts
  • Our critical care will try to know the cause of the traumatic disease to prepare for the medical care services offered by them.
  • The emergency medical team will reach the incident location as soon as possible to take over the responsibility of trauma patients
  • During the evacuation, the boarded surgeon will stabilize the patient’s traumatic condition before reaching the destination.
  • The team immediately transfers the patient through Helicopter Emergency Medical Services or fixed-wing air ambulance services, which are fully-equipped with NICU services.

Why choose ICATT for Trauma Emergency transportation?

  • Renowned emergency medical service provider in India
  • Best air ambulance service provider in India
  • Complete transparency
  • Economical prices
  • Easily available
  • 14+ years of experience in providing the trauma emergency transportation
  • Easily accessible to every remote location
  • Provides world-class emergency medical services
  • Available with a global network to provide the best trauma emergency services
  • Expertise in stabilizing the traumatic patients
  • Provides comprehensive air ambulance services
  • Available in all cities of India

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FAQs about patient transportation with ECMO in India

When is trauma emergency transportation service is needed?

The traumatic condition which immediate medical evacuation includes

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Crush injury
  • Facial trauma
  • Amputation trauma
  • Fire accident
  • Failed organs
  • Elderly people medical emergency
  • Natural disasters
  • Cardiovascular injuries
  • snowstorms
  • Floods

Mostly it takes 10- 15 min to reach the incident location with all emergency medical care equipment and NICU services to transfer the trauma patient within the short duration.

Yes, if the trauma patient needs international medical transfer, then ICATT is ready to transfer the patient under the guidance of the medical team.

To provide the best emergency medical evacuation services, it needs an experienced emergency medical assistant team, paramedic staff in transferring the staff, etc. The cost of the ICATT’s trauma emergency transportation services may vary from patient to patient.

It depends on the number of hours travelled, the distance of healthcare destination, number of trauma patients, availability of different surgeons, type of air ambulance use, etc. To know more details, contact ICATT now.

Other than Trauma emergency medical transportation service, ICATT also available with other emergency medical services like

The ICATT emergency medical team consists of

  • An intensive care unit monitor
  • ICU nurse
  • Pilots and paramedic team
  • Physicians

We are at a click away. You can contact us via call, email, sms, whatsapp to arrange the best air ambulance services in India for the emergency transportation of trauma patients.
Contact us @ +91 9701111156
Visit us @

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